Cody Pools Residential Pools
Automatic Rotating Circulation Jets
AVSC Main Drain
Cleaner and healthier water by circulation.
Working together, these great products create an affordable, thorough, and efficient circulation
Powerful G4 Venturi Power circulation jets spread fresh water and evenly disperse chemicals. Six to nine automatic rotating circulation jets placed in key areas on your pool’s floor to help keep your water flowing, creating a healthier, more refreshing pool experience. QUIKSKIM ULTRA Venturi Skimmer to collect more surface debris. A powerful and energy-efficient pool skimmer, the QuikSkim Ultra expertly skims the surface of your pool using venturi power instead of standard suction. When used with a variable speed pump, this allows 100% of the skimmer suction to be directed at the main drain, aiding in debris removal. AVSC DRAIN gathers debris from your pool floor. A critical part of the QuikCirc system, the AVSC aids in secondary level of protection and an efficient heavy debris drain. The AVSC unblockable drain is certified by NSF International.
system for your pool. With the QuikCirc system, pool ownership is both easy and rewarding.
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